The internet began with an Age of Innocence, which gave way to the Age of Commerce, driven by the advertising model. Nandan Nilekani joins Vasant Dhar in episode 15 of Brave New World to describe how we have now entered the Age of Geopolitics, in which nation states are jostling for power with big tech companies, while tailoring regulation based on their needs and aspirations. They also discuss Nandan’s pioneering role in building India’s data empowerment architecture — which the rest of the world can learn from in designing systems that empower individuals as well as societies.
Useful resources:
1. Nandan Nilekani’s books on Amazon.
2. “Rogue Intermediaries”: Designing Equitable Digital Playgrounds — Arun Mohan Sukumar.
3. Agile Tech Regulation — Rahul Matthan.
4. Why anti-trust is antiquated for Big Tech — Charles Assisi.
1. Nandan Nilekani’s books on Amazon.
2. “Rogue Intermediaries”: Designing Equitable Digital Playgrounds — Arun Mohan Sukumar.
3. Agile Tech Regulation — Rahul Matthan.
4. Why anti-trust is antiquated for Big Tech — Charles Assisi.